Spring 2018
Tab soccer and flag football are organized and run by Tab Rec. Tab Rec allows Oaks students to register through the Tab Rec website, tabrecreation.org, and be on "Oaks" teams in the Tab Rec leagues. Parents need to use a different username for registering through Tab Rec than they do for Oaks Plus registrations as we utilize the same registration system. Be sure to mark that your child goes to The Oaks Academy if you would like your child to play on an Oaks team.
The Oaks Academy typically has around 100 students per season who participate in Tab soccer. Tab soccer is open to youth ages 4-12. Soccer games are typically on Saturdays with one practice during the week, usually Thursdays. Practices and games take place at the Frank and Judy O'Bannon Old Northside Soccer Park located at the crossing of the Monon Trail and 16th Street.
Flag Football:
Tab flag football is also open for registration for youth ages 4-12. While we have not have had "Oaks" teams in flag football in the past, Tab Rec is open to it if we have enough students register.
The spring 2018 seasons for both sports begin in early April and end in mid-June.